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Recent Sound Science at

Animal Communication, Bioacoustics, Effects of Noise on Wildlife, Ocean, Science, Wind turbines Add comments

After a bit of a lull, I’ve spent much of the past couple days catching up on the folder full of research published in recent months, and summarizing key papers on the main Acoustic Ecology site.  Among the studies worthy of attention are:

  • The first direct test of harbor porpoise sensitivity to seismic survey airguns confirms many observations from the field that this species is especially sensitive to noise; both temporary hearing loss and avoidance of sound occur at relatively low noise levels
  • Orcas and dolphins seen to reduce foraging in the presence of boat noise
  • Wind turbines don’t seem to replace most small wintering farm birds, but oil development noise can reduce forest bird abundance
  • Right whales summer habitat is loud most of the time, suggesting a pressing need to identify their breeding grounds and assure they can hear each other there
  • Two great overviews of fish hearing

See these and more at the AEI lay summaries of new research page.

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