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Fiji Canoe Journey Recalls, Works Toward Quieter Oceans

Effects of Noise on Wildlife, Ocean Add comments

The newly-formed Fiji Islands Voyager Society was christened at the start of the South Pacific Pageant this week, with the dawn launch of the canoe Uto Ni Yalo (Heart of Souls).   In June of next year,  a flotilla of canoes will sail from Fiji to Hawaii to advocate the protection of our ocean environment and rekindle traditional voyaging, sailing and navigational skills.


Warriors launch canoe from beach (click for Fiji Times article)

Representing the Pacific Voyaging movement, Rawiri Patekere from New Zealand, said people of the Pacific had been the innocent victims of ocean noise pollution for years. “And the time has come for the Pacific to unite, stand firm while they voice their concerns,” Mr Patekere said. “The sea has been crying for years and it is time to answer that call for help.”  Recalling the words of his grandfather, he said, “when you paddle your canoe, paddle quietly.”   Director Letila Mitchell says the Wasawasa Dawn Festival celebrates Pacific Culture, and that “the Ocean Noise project will raise awareness to help stop the increase in noise pollution being brought about through shipping.”   Read more at these three Fiji news outlets.

One Response to “Fiji Canoe Journey Recalls, Works Toward Quieter Oceans”

  1. Orisi Basiyalo Says:

    It is good to know that FVS is fully operational and the succesful launching of the ‘Uto ni Yalo’. I have been following your progress this year with great interest.

    I was in Fiji during the launching of the ‘Uto ni Yalo’ but unfortunately missed it due to urgent family commitments but am so proud of your achievement and the unique purpose the project stands for. I hope the maiden voyage to Hawaii, via the Cook Islands, will bring enjoyment and a sense of fulfillment, hence, the pride of genuine (& Modern)Pacific shipbuilding skills and promoting traditonal navigational skills.

    Vinaka Vakalevu & God Bless!

    O Basiyalo
    Portsmouth Royal Navy Fijian Association (UK).