Massachusetts grapples with diverse responses to wind turbines
Human impacts, News, Wind turbines Add commentsEastern Massachusetts continues to be a hotbed of both small-scale wind development and ongoing complaints in several towns. Sixteen communities in the area now host one to four wind turbines (not all of which are full-sized industrial turbines); in five of these towns, complaints have been relatively numerous (a dozen to several dozen individuals). Some of the turbines are owned by towns, generally to power a portion of town-owned facilities, and some are owned by businesses, for their own power, or by private wind developers.
The Boston Globe published a series of articles this week that offer a good picture of the range of responses and opinions at this point in time:
- The main article features the full spectrum of views, including comments from neighbors, town officials, green energy advocates, a lawyer, a sound consultant, and a dispute resolution specialist (a slightly different version, abridged but with a couple different neighbor quotes, is also available)
- Another article covers a recent lawsuit by a couple in Scituate who live just 640 feet from a turbine there
- And a third article features the generally positive attitudes toward three turbines in Gloucester
RELATED: Falmouth’s First Abandoned Turbine House, a letter to the editor from a former neighbor of one of the Falmouth turbines, who’s cashed out her retirement savings and moved to another town