Jun 07 2010
Porpoises stay 20km away from wind farm construction
Effects of Noise on Wildlife, News, Ocean, Wind turbines Add commentsAn article in Der Spiegel reveals that the environmental impact study at a 12-turbine wind farm 30km off the coast of Germany has reported that during construction of the turbines, porpoises avoided an area in a 20-mile radius of the two-square mile construction site. Harbor porpoises are well known to be more sensitive to sound than many ocean creatures, and may serve as a sort of “canary in the construction zone,” their stark behavioral response standing as an indicator of noise levels that likely interfere with other animals, as well.
June 8th, 2010 at 7:29 am
The head honchos of the wind industry need to be jailed!
The governments that fell for this “Tom foolery” need to be ousted, after passing legislation to compensate victims including a penalty! I am not a Dolphin and I can not get 20 miles away!!! Shame on the bubble head Bureaucrats.
A massive world wide revolt is all that will stop this travesty.
June 9th, 2010 at 10:54 am
Basically…yeah! Right on!