Curriculum Guides, Lesson Plans, Reading Lists
Explore Sound - An educational resource/curriculum website from the Acoustical Society of America. [WEBSITE]
A Sound Walk Across Natural California - Web site with many sounds and short descriptions, covering a wide variety of habitats. Interesting for those outside California, as well [WEBSITE]
The Sound World of Bosavi - Study guide to accompany Steven Feld's Bosavi (3CD, Smithsonian Folkways) and Rainforest Soundwalks (CD, EarthEar). [GO THERE]

Developing a Child's Sense of Place - A curriculum for ages 5-7 by Margot Bevington (Oberlin College) [GO THERE]
Ec(h)olocator - A roving community catalyst project that creates live radio and performances inspired by the unique soundscapes of individual communities. [WEBSITE]