International Conference of the World Forum for Acoustic Ecology - June 16-19, 2010, Koli, Finland - "Ideologies and Ethics in the Uses and Abuses of Sound." Website features audio files of most sessions. [WEBSITE]
Sustainable Ocean Summit (SOS) - June 15-17, 2010, Belfast, Northern Ireland - With the theme of "Reducing Risk, Increasing Sustainability: Solutions through Collaboration", the Sustainable Ocean Summit (SOS) brought together the wide range of industries that use marine space and resources, including shipping, oil and gas, fisheries, aquaculture, ports, mining, insurance, legal issues, renewable offshore energy, tourism, dredging, marine technology and others. The Sustainable Ocean Summit was an unprecedented gathering of the ocean business community to catalyze the growing interest among ocean businesses for more effective leadership and collaboration in addressing shared ocean environmental challenges and develop the practical programs to develop and implement solutions. . [WEBSITE] [CONFERENCE REPORT] [PRESENTATIONS]
Past Conferences of Special Note
4th International Workshop on Detection, Classification and Localization of Marine Mammals using Passive Acoustics, with the 1st International Workshop on Density Estimation of Marine Mammals Using Passive Acoustics - September 2009, 10th - 13th, University of Pavia, Italy - [WEBSITE]
Wind Turbine Noise 2009 - June 17-19, 2009, Aalborg, Denmark - Biennial conference, held for the 3rd time this year. Proceedings are available on CD, including full papers. [WEBSITE] [ORDER PROCEEDINGS]
Pacific Rim Underwater Acoustics Conference 2007 - Ocober 3-5, 2007, Vancouver BC - Focus for this year's conference is Underwater Ambient Noise: Characterization, Applications, and Impacts. Papers will consider biological and human contributors to ambient noise, environmental impacts of noise on marine life, and trends in ambient noise. [WEBSITE]
Wind Turbine Noise 2007 - September 20-21, 2007, Nice, France - Site includes program and abstracts; proceedings CD available for purchase. [WEBSITE] [ABSTRACTS(pdf)] [2005 CONFERENCE]
Effects of Noise on Aquatic Life - August 13-17, 2007, Nyborg, Denmark - This conference will address effects on all sea life, from cetaceans to fish and invertebrates. The program will include invited talks on broad topics of interest to the community, shorter invited talks on specific research topics, and contributed posters and presentations. The emphasis in all cases is on developing a better understanding of the science of what is known about the effects of noise on marine animals. [WEBSITE] [PROGRAM]
Potential Application of Quieting Technology on Large Commercial Vessels - May 1-2, 2007, Silver Spring, Maryland, USA - Follow-up to NOAA's 2004 symposium, this symposium will discuss current knowledge and technical applications, and form working groups to focus in potential quieting targets and quantify likely costs. As of 3/30, the website was not yet active; see NOAA shipping noise page for latest information. [WEBSITE] [PRESENTATIONS]
Underwater Noise 2008 - Abstracts of key papers, including studies of effects of sonar, airguns, and pile driving. [WEBSITE] [ABSTRACTS]
New Techniques To Diagnose Possible Noise-Related Strandings Workshop - September 7-9, 2007, Woods Hole, MA - This workshop was by invitation only. [WEBSITE]
2006 Ocean Sciences Meeting - February 20-24, 2006, Honolulu, HI - Includes topics covering the full range of oceanography. Website includes abstracts of all papers being presented, organized by topic. [WEBSITE]
Ocean Policy Summit - October 11-13, 2005, Lisbon, Portugal - An international gathering of 218 participants from 53 countries, with governments, regional organizations, UN agencies, academia, non-governmental organizations and industry represented. Organized by the International Ocean Governance Network, the conference theme was “Integrated Ocean Policy: National and Regional Experiences, Prospects and Emerging Practices.” [WEBSITE]
Oceans 05 - June 20-23, 2005, Brest, France - Sponsored by the Oceanic Engineering Society (OES) of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineering; theme is "Today's technology for a sustainable future". A large part of the conference is devoted to underwater acoustics processing and systems (AUVs, ROVs, etc.). But, the conference is not restricted to these classical domains of instrumentation and offers lots of openings for the environmental concerns - oil spill monitoring, biotechnology, living resources - or the societal impacts of marine policies - coastal zone management, marine safety and security, etc. [WEBSITE] [PROGRAM]
International Whaling Commission Mini-Symposium on Ocean Noise - July 2004, Italy - Sponsored by the IWC Standing Working Group on Environmental Concerns. Includes brief summaries of a wide range of recent research on the nature of human noise and its effects on marine mammals. [DOWNLOAD SYMPOSIUM REPORT(doc)] Appendices: Roger Payne, Synergistic Effects of Multiple Stressors [DOWNLOAD(doc)] John Hildebrand, Acoustics Basics [DOWNLOAD(doc)] Darlene Ketten, Marine Mammal Auditory Systems [DOWNLOAD(doc)]
Shipping Noise and Marine Mammals: A Forum for Science, Management, and Technology - May 18-19, 2004, Arlington, VA - Web site includes many papers and Powerpoint presentations from the NOAA symposium. [WEBSITE]
Symposium On Environmental Consequences of Underwater Sound (ECOUS) - 12-16 May 2003, San Antonio, TX - Sponsored by the Office of Naval Research. A broad-based overview of recent and ongoing research related to the assessment of the effects of manmade underwater sound on marine life, including research on wildlife monitoring, mitigation, and beaked whale impacts. The website includes links to html conference agenda, listing all papers, and to pdf abstracts from each day's presentations. [WEBSITE]
International Workshop on the Application of Passive Acoustics in Fisheries - April 8-10, 2002, Dedham, MA - "Passive Listening for fishes what has been done?" reviewed past and current research activities; "Future developments and applications" examined recommendations for future research and examples where existing programs could be enhanced by passive acoustic technology; "Acoustic technology" reviewed the state of the art and future developments for underwater acoustic and related technologies. Full proceedings available for download. [WEBSITE]