This page contains listings of:
Research Programs - Government programs, individual academic program sites, independent researcher sites. [GO THERE]
Science Organizations and Publications - Professional organizations, journals, etc. [GO THERE]
Science Links - Links to interesting sites covering specific topics or featuring a collection of useful links. [GO THERE]
Sound Collections - Links to research programs with collections of sounds. [GO THERE]
ACCOBAMS - Cetacean Conservation Agreement covering the Mediterranean, Black Sea, and nearby Atlantic. [WEBSITE]
Acoustic Monitoring Project of the NOAA Vents Program - Vents is a NOAA project at the Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory centered on studying underground volcanoes; the Acoustic Monitoring Project website includes study of ocean seismicity, bioacoustics, and environmental noise. Includes extensive use of SOSUS sound stations and acoustic data (SOSUS is a cold-war era network of listening stations recently made available up to scientific researchers). [WEBSITE]
Vents Bioacoustics Project - Studying the use of long-range passive acoustics to study cetaceans. [WEBSITE]
NOAA Ocean Explorer "Sound in the Sea" Page [WEBSITE]
Advisory Committee on Acoustic Impacts on Marine Mammals - Part of the Marine Mammal Commission's new "Sound Program", this committee is charged with developing recommendations to inform MMC comments on permits and mitigation measures. The committee plans a series of public and professional meetings during 2004. The commitee includes 28 people, representing industry, government, and conservation organizations. Papers from each workshop are available for online reading or download. [SOUND PROGRAM WEBSITE] [LIST OF COMMITTEE MEMBERS]
Applied Physics Laboratory, Rex Andrew - Research includes ocean acoustics, especially ambient sound, propagation, and acoustic climate studies. [WEBSITE]
Applied Research Laboratory - Penn State University. Environmental Acoustics section is doing some work on metrics for use in acoustic monitoring from autonomous oceanography platforms. [WEBSITE]
Animal Voice - Independent research project looking for evidence of structured language in other species; special emphasis in species communicating with infrasound (including giraffe and sumatran rhino). Includes integrated sound files and both laymen and journal writings. [WEBSITE]
Aquatic Bioacoustics Program - The Popper Lab at the University of Maryland. Research topics include the physiological effects of human sound on fish, hair cell damage and regeneration, and behavioral responses to ultrasound. [WEBSITE]
Beam Reach Science and Sustainability School - Offers two ten-week programs in marine research, one in spring, one in fall, held in Puget Sound. Designed for advanced undergraduates, post-baccaulaureates, and graduate students. [WEBSITE]
Bioacoustics Research Program - Based at Cornell University's Laboratory of Ornithology, with research programs centering on birds, cetaceans, and elephants. [WEBSITE]
Whale Acoustics Research - Includes sections on fin whale vocalizations and using cold war listening stations to learn about whale movements and use of sound [WEBSITE] [MARINE MAMMAL SOUND COLLECTION]
Bioacoustics Team - A French consortium, centered in Paris and St. Etienne. [WEBSITE]
Bio-applied Systems Engineering Group (BASE), University of York - Current research concentrates on the development of advanced systems for automated identification of species using bioacoustic signal processing and image processing. [WEBSITE]
Canadian Department of Fisheries and Oceans (DFO) - (also referred to as Fisheries and Oceans Canada) - Canadian governmental department coordinating regulation and research in the oceans. Among the links of interest:
Fisheries and Oceans Canada Home Page - Recent news and program updates [WEBSITE]
Canada's Ocean Action Plan - Kicking into gear in 2005 [BACKGROUNDER] [WEBSITE]
Mapping Our Oceans - Tracks marine program activity, environmental data, and more [WEBSITE]
Carribean Acoustic Network - This organization maintains a web site about its activities monitoring and studying the acoustics of shallow reef systems. [WEBSITE]
Cascadia Research - Non-profit research team based in Washington state, with active projects focusing on dive patterns and foraging ecology of orcas and beaked whales. [MAIN WEBSITE] [ORCA DIVE STUDIES] [BEAKED WHALE DIVE STUDIES]
Census of Marine Life - Includes 12 programs aimed at increasing our knowledge of the abundance and distribution of marine species. [WEBSITE]
Pacific Ocean Salmon Tracking (POST) - using acoustic tags implanted in salmon [WEBSITE]
Ocean Biogeographic Information System - Distributed database of ocean species [WEBSITE]
Center for Bioacoustics - Part of the Conrad Blucher Institute for Surveying and Science at Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi. [WEBSITE]
Center for Cetacean Research and Conservation - A key player in the South Pacific Whale Research Consortium, a multi-institution, multi-year study. Also doing a lot of research, including filming, on beaked whales. [WEBSITE]
Center for Whale Research - Ken Balcomb's Puget Sound research organization, has done years of research with the orcas in that region, and whales elsewhere. [WEBSITE]
CIBRA (Interdisciplinary Center for Bioacoustics and Environmental Research) - Based at Italy's University of Pavia. [WEBSITE]
Coastal And Marine Geology Program (USGS Western Region) - Ongoing studies of bathometry of the eastern Pacific. [WEBSITE]
Cascadia Seismic Hazard Project [WEBSITE] Pacific Sea Floor Mapping Project [WEBSITE]
Coastal Services Center- The NOAA Coastal Services Center serves the nation's state and local coastal resource management programs. [WEBSITE]
COWRIE (Collaborative Offshore Windfarm Research Into the Environment) - An independent company set up to raise awareness and understanding of the potential environmental impacts of the UK offshore windfarm programme. COWRIE Ltd is governed by a Board of Directors drawn from The Crown Estate, the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI), and the British Wind Energy Association (BWEA). Reports from in-house and elsewhere available on a variety of issues, with significant focus on noise. [WEBSITE]
Dalhouie University Whitehead Lab - Studies of cetacean populations and acoustics. [WEBSITE]
Discovery of Sound in the Sea - An amazing University of Rhode Island site with detailed sections on the Physics of sound, Ways that humans use sound (including data transmission), Ways that animals use sound, Teachers resources, including little stories about sounds heard by animals, Page of links to online sound files, Their own sound files, All kinds of technologies tha make noise, Profiles of several scientists, including interviews. [WEBSITE]
Ecological Acoustics Research - Purdue University soundscape research program. [WEBSITE]
Effects of Sound on the Marine Environment (ESME) - Office of Naval Research program that focuses on modeling sound propagation and biological effects. [WEBSITE]
The Elephant Listening Project - The Cornell Lab of Ornithology's long-term study of vocalizations among African elephants. Here are links to the main project page, a bibliography of papers about elephant calls, a lesson plan, and lead researcher Katy Payne's engaging notes from the field. [WEBSITE] [READ PAYNE'S FIELD NOTES] [MAY 2005 UPDATE]
Elephant Voices - Savannah elephant vocalization research project. Includes a detailed "visual and tactile signals database" that includes photos and bibliography for each type of communicative exhcange. [WEBSITE]
Envirosonics Autonomous Acoustic Monitoring - A project of the Computational Ecology and Visualization Laboratory at Michigan State University, Stuart Gage has developed Envirosonics, autonomous sound and image collectors for use in the field. Projects have taken place in Michigan and Sequoia Kings Canyon National Park. [ENVIROSONICS PAGES] [CEVL WEBSITE] [ACOUSTICS DATA PAGES]
European Union Integrated Coastal Zone Management Initiative - A multi-year effort to move toward an integrated approach to coastal management issues. [ICZM WEBSITE]
Fish Acoustics - Sciaenid Acoustics Research Team, East Carolina University. Includes many sound files of fish sounds, as well as links to research papers on the sounds of fish and using acoustic surveys to study fish populations and behavior. [WEBSITE]
Fish Ecology - From the research team at the University of Massachusetts, Dartmough. Includes a section on Soniferous Fishes, with a summary of research projects and many wav files of fish sounds. [SONIFEROUS FISHES WEBSITE] [MAIN FISH ECOLOGY WEBSITE]
Fish Hearing - Reseach from the University of Kentucky on fish hearing [WEBSITE]
Fish Lab - From the lab of David Mann at the University of South Florida. Includes nice collection of wav files of various fish, with links to sections on fish sound production, ultrasonic hearing, bioacoustics, etc. Some focus on ultrasound perception. [WEBSITE]
Sound files [WEBSITE]
HARC (Humpback Acoustic Research Collaboration) - A three-year program taking place around Australia, involving the Australian Defence Science and Technology Organisation (DSTO), Scripps Institution of Oceanography (SIO), Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI), UQ and University of Sydney and University of Newcastle researchers, with primary funding from the US Office of Naval Research. The project tracks whale movements both from shore and at sea, uses temporary suction cup recorders to measure the sound they are exposed to, monitors reactions to local noise sources, measures ambient noise levels. A preliminary year of field work, and the first of two years of comprehensive data collection have been done. [PRESS RELEASE] [FIELD NOTES(pdf)] [PROGRESS REPORT]
HEAVEN (Healthier Environments through Abatement of Vehicle Emissions and Noise) - Launched in six European cities in January 2001, this program aims to provide practical information and technologies to help urban planners address air quality and noise issues related to automobile traffic patterns. Berlin, Paris, and Rome are among the cities involved in the initial phase of the project, which is partly funded by the European Commission. [WEBSITE]
Institute for Geophysics, University of Texas - A leading academic center of geophysics research, studying plate tectonics and earthquakes on land and at sea. UTIG scientists are involved in about two to three marine seismic surveys each year. (In comparison, the oil and gas industry conducts over 100 seismic surveys annually in the Gulf of Mexico alone, particularly off Louisiana and Texas.) [WEBSITE]
Current Projects include Gulf of Mexico study of the Chicxulub crater [WEBSITE], Gulf of Mexico basic deep-water research for oil and gas development [WEBSITE], "geo-clutter" research off the coast of New Jersey [WEBSITE]
Institute for Music and Brain Science, Harvard University - Studies healing and music, and includes a division of Acoustic Ecology and Musical culture [WEBSITE]
Institute for Noise Control Engineering - Non profit organization that sponsors conferences for noise control professionals. [WEBSITE]
Institute of Safe, Quiet and Durable Highways - Based at Purdue Univerisity, the institute conducts research aimed at reducing the noise created by tires and highways. [PRESS RELEASE] [WEBSITE]
International Council for the Exploration of the Seas - Coordinates and promotes marine research in the North Atlantic. This intergovernmental organisation includes 19 member countries: Belgium, Canada, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Iceland, Ireland, Latvia, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Russia, Spain, Sweden, the United Kingdom, and the United States of America. [WEBSITE]
International Fund for Animal Welfare (IFAW) - IFAW's research vessel, Song of the Whale, conducts non-invasive population and acoustics studies worldwide. [RESEARCH WEBSITE]
International Society for Neuroethology - Professional organization for researchers studying insect nervous systems, including hearing. Site includes "technical essays" on cricket hearing and the physiology of birdsong. [WEBSITE]
Jayne Yack Insect Neuroethology Lab - A wonderful introduction to hearing and use of sound by insects. Yack's team at Carleton University in Ottowa has discovered at least 14 different hearing mechanisms in insects, as well as 20 caterpillars that use sound. [WEBSITE]
Laboratory of Applied Bioacoustics - Techical University of Catalunya, Barcelona, Spain (UPC). The Laboratori d'Aplicacions bioacústiques has a strong focus on marine noise pollution, with a special emphasis on detection of whales using passive acoustics. [WEBSITE]
Masters Program in Marine Acoustic Sensing and Environment - A new MS program at the LAB, providing advanced training in applied aspects of marine underwater acoustic technology and remote sensing. [WEBSITE]
Lamont-Dougherty Earth Observatory - A center for global geology research, run by Columbia Univeristy. A good source for information on seismic surveys run for "pure science," studying plate tectonics; they also do research in drilling technologies to gather samples from deep layers of sediment. [WEBSITE]
Division of Marine Geology and Geophysics [WEBSITE]
Office of Marine Affairs (marine research management, with info on various seismic systems) [WEBSITE]
Marine Mammal Protection [WEBSITE]
Listening to Birds - A two-year anthropological study based at the University of Aberdeen (Scotland) is exploring the relationships that people have with bird songs and calls. The project's blog is off to a dynamic start, with many interesting posts, and they are actively soliciting contributions from anyone, worldwide. [WEBSITE] [BLOG]
Listening to the Deep Ocean Environment (LIDO) - European network of ocean observatories, with audio available for online listening. [WEBSITE]
Mapping Anthropogenic Noise in the Sea - A project of the Woods Hole Marine Policy Center, this site includes background on ocean noise sources and a first multi-layer GIS map charting noise sources in the Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary off the coast of Boston and Cape Cod. [WEBSITE] [STELLWAGEN MAP PAGE]
Marine Acoustics and Bioacoustics - From the Curtin University Centre for Marine Science and Technology. Features especially the work of Rob McCauley, who's done work on blue whales and fish hearing, as well as on seismic airguns. [WEBSITE]
Western Australia Blue Whale Project [WEBSITE]
Marine Mammal Behavior Laboratory (Tyack Lab, WHOI) - This lab has been on the forefront of work with D-tags (temproary units attached by suction cup to whales, which record sound while also tracking dive patterns), and is involved in many other project, primarily focusing on the responses of whales to sound. [WEBSITE]
Marine Mammal Research Unit - University of British Columbia research lab. [WEBSITE]
Marine Mammal Research Consortium - Collaborative program including the Universities of Alaska, British Columbia, Washington, and Oregon State. Research is focused in the North Pacific and Eastern Bering Sea. [WEBSITE]
Marine Protected Areas - The establishment of MPAs is expanding worldwide. Each country, and often each MPA, differs in how it is managed, what is allowed, etc. The US MPA Federal Advisory Committee is making their first set of recommendations to the Departments of Commerce and the Interior in June 2005.
US MPA Center [WEBSITE] US MPA Federal Advisory Committee (meetings, proceedings) [WEBSITE]
1st International MPA Congress, October 2005 [WEBSITE]
Marine Sanctuaries - NOAA program that coordinates information on marine sanctuaries in US waters. [WEBSITE] Education website, with multimedia content, links to all sanctuary eduction sites, etc [WEBSITE]
Megalithic Sound and Landscape - From Dr. Aaron Watson, University of Reading Department of Archaeology, who documents the acoustic properties of neolithic sites, including stone circles and underground passages. [WEBSITE] [RELATED WEBSITE]
MIT Ocean Acoustics Group - Research focuses on improving the fundamental understanding of the propagation of sound and seismic waves in the ocean, and on the development of improved acoustic systems, e.g. for AUV communication and navigation. [WEBSITE]
MobySound - A reference archive of recordings designed for use in training autonomous detection software to recognize specific marine species or noise sources. The files here are not meant for casual listening (they are often poor quality and contain long periods without sounds/signals of interest, as software needs to be trained in such real-world conditions). [WEBSITE]
National Ocean Economics Program - Consolodates reasearch that highlghts the economic values of ocean ecosystems, in order to inform federal and state decisions regarding resource development options. [WEBSITE]
NEPTUNE - The North-East Pacific Time-series Undersea Networked Experiments project will be the worlds largest cable-linked ocean observatory, using remote monitoring to study an area stretching from British Columbia to Northern California. [NEPTUNE CANADA WEBSITE] [NEPTUNE UNIV WASHINGTON WEBSITE]
Film on NEPTUNE program (scroll down the page) [WEB PAGE]
White paper on environmental considerations [WEBSITE]
National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) - Also known as NOAA Fisheries. Issues permits for research and small takes of marine creatures. [WEBSITE]
Fisheries News - A monthly newsletter, features new permits and coverage of NMFS programs. [WEBSITE]
Sustainable Fisheries Office - Focuses on maintainance of healthy fish stocks [WEBSITE]
Ocean Acoustics Program - The NOAA Fisheries Acoustics Program is investigating all aspects of marine animal acoustic communication, hearing, and the effects of sound on behavior and hearing in protected marine species. Includes links to many related initiatives, including shipping noise, sonar, and effects on marine mammals. [WEBSITE] NOAA Magazine story with links to many NOAA ocean acoustics sites [WEBPAGE]
National Marine Mammal Laboratory - A research program of NOAA/NMFS, maintains extensive research database on Pacific marine mammals. [WEBSITE]
Cetacean Assessment and Ecology Program - [WEBSITE]
NOAA's Undersea Research Program - Media-rich site featuring many research topics in waters of the oceans and Great Lakes [WEBSITE]
Ocean Acoustics, University of Washington - Have worked on ATOC/NPAL (climate studies of ocean temps using long-range sound), mid-frequency sonar, and NEPTUNE. Also, home of projects working on determining the relative contributions of various natural and human noises to the overall "noise budget" in a given area (an early project took place in Haro Strait, WA). [WEBSITE] [HARO STRAIT PROJECT]
Ocean Research Coordination - A somewhat confusing alphabet soup of federal programs is working together to coordinate ocean research in the US. The goal is to create some consistency among regional networks, as well as work effectively to participate in international collaborations.
Consortium for Ocean Leadership - In 2007, the Consortium was birthed out of the merger of CORE and JOI [WEBSITE]
Ocean Research and Resources Advisory Panel [WEBSITE]
CEQ Committee on Ocean Policy [WEBSITE]
National Ocean Research Leadership Council - Oversees NOPP [WEBSITE]
National Ocean Partnership Program (NOPP) [WEBSITE] Summary of NOPP Core Ocean funded programs [WEBSITE] These programs include two of special acoustics interest: a Cornell/WGBH curriculum and video production project introducing all aspects of ocean acoustis (biological and anthropomorphic) [SEE SUMMARY], and an annotated digital library of ocean bioacoustics, based at Cornell's Macauley Library [SEE SUMMARY], created by NOPP, incorporating the Integrated Ocean Observing System (IOOS) [WEBSITE]
Ocean Observatories Initiative (OOI) - Part of ORION, in February 2005 the draft OOI Scienc Plan was released [SEE PRESS RELEASE] [DOWNLOAD SCIENCE PLAN(pdf)]
Ocean Research Interactive Observatory Networks (ORION) - toward a network of seafloor observatories (including NEPTUNE, see above, and VENUS, see below) In January 2005, the ORION Workshop report was released, based on input from 300 researchers. [WEBSITE]
Laboratory for the Ocean Observatory Knowledge Integration Grid (LOOKING): ORION communications system received 2004 grant, WHOI Press Release "Phoing Home from the OceanFloor" [SEE PRESS RELEASE]
Toward a US Plan for an Integrated, Sustained Ocean Observing System [DOWNLOAD REPORT(pdf)]
Integrated Acoustics Systems for Ocean Observatories - A subcommittee of the ASA's Acoustical Oceanography committee. Hosts a website describing planned uses of acoustics for both communication and passive acoustic monitoring, including many papers and reports from NEPTUNE/ORION/IOOS planners. [WEBSITE]
Ocean Studies Board - A division of the National Research Council, which itself is part of the National Academies of Science. The OSB has been responsible for a number if important reports on ocean noise issues, and on the future of ocean science research. [WEBSITE]
Office of Naval Research - A suitably bureaucratic maze of links to sub-programs, most of which yield little detail, besides basic contact info or links to associated research labs and naval centers. Ocean Reseach Division: [WEBSITE] Ocean Sensing Division: [WEBSITE]
Patricelli Lab, Birds and Acoustics - Gail Patricelli's work at the University of California, Davis is focused on birds and sound, including the effects of oil and gas development noise on sage grouse acoustic and breeding behaviors. [WEBSITE]
Remote Environmental Assessment Laboratory (REAL), Michigan State - The latest (2009) evolution of the long-running acoustic research lab at Michigan State now has remote sampling audio tracks available online from several diverse field studies, including wetlands, agricultural land, forests, and an urban site. [WEBSITE] [NEW MAP-BASED DIGITAL LIBRARY PAGE]
SACLANT Undersea Research Center (SACLANTCEN) - NATO research program, centering on acoustic propagation modeling (site includes many graphic representations of propagation around and over varying undersea topography), the better for knowing how military sonar systems will function. [WEBSITE]
SOLMAR/Sound, Oceanography, and Living Marine Resources - A SACLANT program that studies the effects of noise on marine creatures. [WEBSITE] [WEBSITE2]
Salford Soundscape and Environmental Noise Studies - The University of Salford (UK) has been at the forefront of research into noise, human responses, and policy for many years. This link will take you to a page with further links to many lines of study, including the Positive Soundscape Project, vibration in homes, and low frequency noise. [WEBSITE]
School of Earth and Ocean Sciences - A University of Victoria program that is involved in VENUS, a proof-of-concept prelude to NEPTUNE (see above). [SEOS WEBSITE] [VENUS WEBSITE]
Scripps Institute Whale Acoustics Center - From the Marine Physical Laboratory, includes descriptions of studies underway, and a library of whale vocalizations, presented beautifully with spectrograms. [WEBSITE]
Voices in the Sea - A beautiful Flash presentation of information on several families of cetaceans, including dolphins, beaked whales, blue whales, and humpbacks. Includes short videos of Scripps researchers introducing each family, and sound files. [WEBSITE]
Sea Mammal Research Unit - At the University of St. Andrews. [WEBSITE]
Southwest Fisheries Marine Science Center - The research arm of the National Marine Fisheries Service Southwest Region, headquartered in La Jolla, California. [WEBSITE]
Coastal Marine Mammal Program [WEBSITE]
Acoustic Survey Program [WEBSITE]
Southern Pacific Whale Research Consortium - A multi-year study of whale populations, behavior, and acoustics in the South Pacific. [WEBSITE] [2004 REPORT] [2002 REPORT] - Website of Ted Cranford (San Diego State University), who has used missile-analysis equipment to do detailed scans of sperm and fin whale heads. His interest is the use of biosonar, and the possible effects of loud noise on large whales. [WEBSITE] [HIS PAGE ON THE SDSU SITE]
Sperm Whale Seismic Study - A five-year research program sponsored by the US Minerals Management Service, including both a population survey and a tagging operation using temporary acoustic tags that provide information about the dive patterns and received sound levels of sperm whales near active seismic survey vessels. [WEBPAGE] [WEBPAGE 2004]
Tropical Ecosystem Assessment and Monitoring (TEAM) Initiative - A Conservation International Center for Applied Biodiversity Science project aimed at developing acoustic monitoring systems for rainforest ecosystems. [WEBSITE]
Underwater Acoustics Research Group - Located at Loughborough University. Focus is on development of sonar systems and processing, with programs also exploring passive and active deterrence and biosonar. [WEBSITE]
Underwater Noise - Research on underwater noise, including background on ocean acoustics and research on shipping, construction, sonar, and oil and gas development. Sponsored by the UK Offshore Operators Association. [WEBSITE]
UK Offshore Operators Association [WEBSITE]
SubAcoustech [WEBSITE]
UN Law of the Sea - Comprehensive international agreement governing use of the ocean's resources. With the US poised to (finally) ratify the agreement, this may become the best avenue toward global regulation of ocean noise. Website includes wide-ranging documents and links to various offices of interest. [WEBSITE]
VENUS (Victoria Experimental Network Under the Sea) - An underwater observatory deployed off the coast of British Columbia, part of the ORION network. The first stage of deployment, in Saanich Inlet, included three hydrophones on a 3km cable; a second, 40-km leg was installed in the Strait of Georgia near Vancouver. [WEBSITE]
Waller Rock Art - Steven J. Waller's research into the acoustic properties of rock art sites in the American west. [WEBSITE]
Whale Acoustics - Website of Mark McDonald, a private research consultant whose focus is passive acoustic research (largely focused on population and behavior). Includes extensive sound file section, including sounds of various ocean "noise" sources. [WEBSITE]
Woods Hole Marine Biological Laboratory - Includes coverage of ongoing research and some good feature articles. [WEBSITE]
Wood Hole Oceanographic Institute - One of the nation's leading oceanography centers, home to several Institutes with specific agendas: the Ocean Life Institute includes the most sound-oriented studies, including work by Darlene Ketten and Peter Tyack. [WEBSITE]
Darlene Ketten's lab (includes good pics of cetacean hearing systems) [WEBSITE]
Marine Mammal Behavior Laboratory (Tyack Lab) [WEBSITE]
Science Organizations, Committees, and Publications
Acoustical Society of America - International interdisciplinary scientific society devoted to study and pracitical applications in acoustics [WEBSITE]
Symposium on Preservation of Natural Quiet - A special session of the 1999 conference of the Acoustical Society of America brought together representatives of the National Park Service, private consulting companies, natural sound recordists, and others. Abstracts and Acrobat files of the papers given there (still a valuable introduction to issues in the field) are available on a web page run by the Federal Interagency Committee on Aviation Noise. [WEBSITE]
Animal Bioacoustics - Acoustical Society of America presents this introduction to Bioacoustics and hosts a bioacoustics listserv. [WEBSITE] - Website from the ASA featuring press releases and links relating to acoustics research [WEBSITE]
Technical Commitee on Noise - ASA committee that develops noise standards for buildings, schools, work sites, etc., as well as noise control techniques and effects of noise [WEBSITE]
American Geological Institute - A nonprofit federation of 43 geoscientific and professional associations that represents more than 100,000 geologists, geophysicists, and other earth scientists, AGI provides information services to geoscientists, serves as a voice of shared interests in our profession, plays a major role in strengthening geoscience education, and strives to increase public awareness of the vital role the geosciences play in society's use of resources and interaction with the environment. [WEBSITE]
Animal Bioacoustics - Website sponsored by NOAA, and associated with the Bioacoustics interest group in the Acoustical Society of America. Includes introduction to bioacoustics, links to research labs, sound libraries, journals, and software; also resources for those interested in a career in bioacoustics. [WEBSITE]
Bioacoustics Journal - International peer-reviewed journal devoted to the study and recording of animal sounds [WEBSITE]
Borror Library of Bioacoustics - At Ohio State University. [WEBSITE]
Classroom Acoustics - Booklet published by the Technical Commitee on Noise of the ASA, available both as a web page and as a pdf. The intent of this publication is to create a supplemental resource for architects, educators, and school planners for use with new construction or renovation of learning environments. The publication is not intended to replace the services of a professional acoustical consultant. It is to be used as an aid in the understanding of the elements of desirable listening conditions in classrooms. [WEBPAGE] [DOWNLOAD BOOKLET(pdf)]
Commission on Ocean Policy (US) - A multi-disciplinary Commission, charged with developing recommendations for updates in US ocean policy. Released a draft of its recommendations in April 2004; this report is likely to be very influential in the coming years. [WEBSITE] [DOWNLOAD REPORT(large pdf)]
European Cetacean Society - Sponsors annual meetings and prints annual reports containing proceedings. [WEBSITE]
Federal Interagency Committee on Aviation Noise - [WEBSITE]
International Bioacoustics Council - Based at the British Library Sound Archive, this 25-year old organization sponsors symposia and helped to launch the journal Bioacoustics. [WEBSITE]
International Whaling Commission - Holds an annual meeting including comprehensive overview of new science research related to marine mammals and noise (part of the work of the Scientific Committee). [WEBSITE] Scientific Committee [WEBPAGE]
Institute of Acoustics - UK-based academic acoustics society (analogue to the ASA in the US). Includes researchers working on effects of noise, ocean acoustics, bioacoustics architectural acoustics, and a wide array of other fields. [WEBSITE]
Journal of International Wildlife Law and Policy - Addresses legal and political issues concerning the human race's interrelationship with and management of wildlife species, their habitats, and the biosphere. This includes analysis of the efficacy of international and regional wildlife treaty regimes in conserving species (as well as national legislation and regulations enacted to implement such regimes), the impact of judicial decisions at both the national and international level, and the interface of legal and political institutions with other sectors in society that have a substantive impact on the management and conservation of species and ecosystems. [WEBSITE]
Marine Technology Society - Professional organization for people working in the oil and gas, oceanographic research, and renewable energy fields offshore. [WEBSITE] MTS Professional Committees: [WEB PAGE] MTS Renewable Energy Professional Committee: [WEB PAGE]
Ocean Science - An online monthly publication from the Minerals Management Service. [WEBSITE]
Society for Marine Mammalogy - Sponsors bienniel conference and publishes proceedings and a journal. [WEBSITE] [JOURNAL ABSTRACTS]
UNEP World Conservation Monitoring Center- Resources and information on worldwide species diversity and conservation, part of the United Nations Environment Program. provides information for policy and action to conserve the living world. [WEBSITE]
World Ocean Observatory - Wide-ranging clearinghouse of information on cultural, scientific, and governmental programs addressign ocean issues. Publishes a monthly digest of ocean news, and is putting together integrated ocean studies curriculum materials. [WEBSITE]
Atlas of the Oceans - A UN website, The Atlas is an information system designed for use by policy makers who need to become familiar with ocean issues and by scientists, students and resource managers who need access to underlying data bases and approaches to sustainability. Includes comprehensive resources on many specific topics (eg, shipping). [WEBSITE]
BioLinks - web site of links to a wide range of biology resources. [WEBSITE]
Bio Music - Web site of a group of researchers studying the sounds of animals as music. [WEBSITE]
COMPASS (Communications Partnership for Science and the Sea) - Partnership of SeaWeb, Monterey Bay Aquarium, Island Press, and academic institutions. Works to help both scientists and the press improve the quality of science coverage, and to link academic and agency scientists. [WEBSITE]
HMMH - Since 1990, the consulting firm Harris, Miller, Miller, and Hansom has done research for the NPS on sound issues. [WEBSITE]
Interspecies Communication - For the past 25 years, Jim Nollman has been using improvised music as a doorway to communication with orcas, dolphins, belugas, turkeys, monkeys, and his fellow humans. [WEBSITE]
Marine Sciences Portal - Links to marine science sites [WEBSITE]
MSA Design - Web site of Acoustic Designer and researcher Michael Stocker. Includes many essays and articles on the role of sound in architecture, nature, and perception. [WEBSITE]
NASA Earth Songs - If humans had radio antennas instead of ears, we would hear a remarkable symphony of strange noises coming from our own planet. An online receiver at the Marshall Space Flight Center is playing these songs of Earth so anyone can listen. [WEBSITE] - US Government science information portal; a gateway to science information provided by U.S. Government agencies [WEBSITE]
SeaWeb - Maintains a comprehensive list of ocean research citations, broken down by year and topic; also briefing books on specific topics and a monthly newsletter of ocean news. No specific noise focus. [WEBSITE]
VLF Listeners' Handbook - A listener's story about elf/vlf "natural radio" emissions of earth in the 0.1 to 10 khz frequencies. [WEBSITE]
Cornell Marine Mammal Sound Collection - includes descriptions, spectograms, and sound files [WEBSITE]
Discovery of Sound in the Sea Audio Gallery - Huge collection of sounds, including all sorts of marine life, other natural (weather) sounds, and human sounds [WEBSITE]
Fish Acoustics - Sciaenid Acoustics Research Team, East Carolina University. Includes many sound files of fish sounds. [WEBSITE]
Fish Lab - From the lab of David Mann at the University of South Florida. Includes nice collection of wav files of various fish, with links to sections on fish sound production, ultrasonic hearing, bioacoustics, etc. Some focus on ultrasound perception. [WEBSITE]
Insect Sounds: Center for Medical, Agricultural, and Veterinary Entomology (CMAVE) Sound Library - USDA-sponsored insect research; includes many sound files [WEBSITE]
McGreevy ground-based VLF recordings - Links and sound files of Stephen McGreevy's recordings of Very Low Frequency sounds triggered by lightning strikes and northern lights. [WEBSITE]
Whale Acoustics - Website of Mark McDonald, a private research consultant whose focus is passive acoustic research (largely focused on population and behavior). Includes extensive sound file section, including sounds of various ocean "noise" sources. [WEBSITE]